Category Archives: Exercise

Walk Faster to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes?

You probably want to shoot for a speed of 3 miles per hour or higher. (I’ll convert to kilometers per hour below.)

About one in 500 dogs will acquire diabetes. Some breeds are more prone than others.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine published an article by researchers based in Iran. They analyzed 10 cohort studies that looked at average habitual walking speed and the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Study subjects were not in Iran, but in the U.S., U.K., and Japan.

An easy, casual walking speed is 2 miles per hour (mph) or less. Brisk walking speed is 3-4 mph. I tried walking my dog today at 4 mph and couldn’t keep it up for long. Dog was fine with it.

The researchers found that a habitual walking speed of even 2.5 mph was linked to a slightly lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared to the casual walkers. A more definitive reduction of diabetes incidence (25%) was seen in those who walk at 3 to 4 mph.

For those of you who think in terms of km/hr: An easy, casual walking speed is 3.2 km/hr or less. Brisk walking speed is 4.8-6.4 km/hr. The researchers found that a habitual walking speed of even 4 km/hr was linked to a slightly lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared to the casual walkers. A more definitive reduction of diabetes incidence (25%) was seen in those who walk at 4.8-6.4 km/hr.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll cut your risk of developing type 2 diabetes if you increase your habitual walking speed from an easy stroll to 3 mph or higher. But it is suggestive and there is physiological science to support that suggestion. The problem is that this study was observational. Which means it’s possible that faster walkers are simply overall healthier than slower ones. They walk faster because they’re healthier and are just constitutionally (genetically?) less prone to illness. To prove that faster walking speeds prevent some cases of type 2 diabetes, you’d have to take 2,000 slow walkers and somehow motivate 1,000 of them to walk faster habitually, while making sure the slow-pokes stay slow for 5-10 years. Keep everything else the same for all 2,000. After 5-10 years, you compare the incidence of diabetes. That study will not, probably cannot, be done.

  Steve Parker, M.D.

h/t to Diabetes Daily for a well-written article on this.

Effect of Paleo Diet on Body Composition & Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism of Professional Handball Players

Not your average cave-woman

This research out of Poland doesn’t interest me right now. You can read the entire article for free! Let us know what you think.


The Paleo diet (PD) involves a restriction of carbohydrates and increased fat content (35% energy from carbohydrates, 35% energy from fats and 30% energy from protein). The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the PD on body composition, concentration of carbohydrates and lipids, as well as insulin, irisin, adiponectin and leptin in the blood. A total of 25 handball players were assigned to two groups: 14 in the experimental group (PD) and 11 in the control group (CD), using a PD and a rational diet, respectively. Analysis of body mass and body composition (body mass index, fat mass, lean body mass, fat-free mass, muscle mass, bone mineral content and bone mineral density), as well as blood concentration of metabolism markers (glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, non-HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, irisin, adiponectin and leptin), were determined at the beginning and after 4 and 8 weeks of nutritional intervention. Body mass was lower (p < 0.01), and adiponectin blood concentration was higher (p = 0.03) in the PD group at the end of the intervention. There were no changes (p ≥ 0.05) in body composition and blood levels of other biochemical markers in either group.

  Steve Parker, M.D.

10,000 Steps a Day for Health & Longevity: Based on Science or Marketing?

Photo by Blue Bird on

For perhaps 15-20 years, many health experts have recommended you walk 10,000 steps/day as important for maximizing your health and longevity. Depending on your stride length, that’s roughly 5 miles (8 km). When I walk my dogs 4 miles, it takes about 90 minutes, which is a big time commitment. Frankly, it’s often boring. But not for the dogs. So many fascinating odors!

Photo by Pixabay on

The good news is, you don’t need to walk the 10,000 steps in one fell swoop. Your walking around your residence and workplace throughout the day counts, too.

More good news. If you’re an older woman, maybe 4,400 steps/day is enough for a longevity benefit. In other populations studied, 6,000 to 8,000 steps/day was optimal.

I admitted a patient to the hospital a few days ago who told me her health insurer sends her a small check monthly if she meets their step goal. She’s saving them money via lower healthcare expenditures, and they’re sharing with her. I love it!

  Steve Parker, M.D.

Paleo Diet Effect on Athletes’ Health and Sport Performance

Photo by Enric Cruz López on

This research from Poland doesn’t look very interesting to me, so I’ve not read the free full text of the article. Let us know what you think.


The aim of the study was to assess the impact of an eight-week Paleo diet on the health status (body composition, haematology and biochemistry of blood and urine) and the level of physical capacity (aerobic and anaerobic) of professional handball players. Fifteen athletes were assigned to two groups: 9 in the experimental group (PD) and 6 in the control group (CD). Significant decreases in body mass (BM), body mass index (BMI), and fat mass (FM) as well as an increase in the fat-free mass (FFM) (%) in both groups were observed. There were no significant differences between groups in particular series during the experiment in all haematological and biochemical indicators of blood and urine. Only HDL-C was significantly higher in the last series in the PD compared to the CD (1.63 mmol/l vs. 1.23 mmol/l). In the Wingate test, there were only single intragroup changes, consisting of a significant decrease in the Wt, MAP and Pmean in the experimental group. There were no significant differences between the groups in individual series or intragroup differences during the experiment, determined by the VO2max, VEmax, VE ∙ VCO2 -1, RER, and the time of the test with a gradually increasing load on a treadmill, except for a significant decrease of maximum tidal volume (TVmax) in the PD. No adverse effect of the Paleo diet on the health status was found. The use of the Paleo diet slightly adversely affects anaerobic capacity and does not affect the level of aerobic capacity.

  Steve Parker, M.D.

Be Prepared, Not Scared: Tips for Safe Hiking in the Southern Arizona Low Desert


Overton trail at Cave Creek Regional Park, Arizona


  • Introduction
  • Weather
  • Water
  • Clothing and Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Navigation Aids
  • Animal Hazards
  • Plant Hazards
  • How to Request Emergency Help
  • Prepare for the Worst?

Arizona is blessed with thousands of miles of beautiful trails. Most hikers complete their treks without injuries or other adverse events. However, you can get into serious trouble—even life-threatening—if you don’t know what you’re doing. The most common hazards are related to weather, water, and falls. Our goal with this guide is to help you thrive and survive on southern AZ’s low desert trails. It’s only a start; learn more on your own from authoritative sources.

“Low desert” refers to elevations of roughly 1,000-2,500 feet above sea level, although many low desert trails may take you up mountains to 3,500-4,500 feet. For instance, Scottsdale’s elevation is 1,200 feet and Tucson’s is 2,400 feet. In contrast, the Mogollon Rim (e.g., Payson, AZ) is around 6,000 feet and Flagstaff is 7,000. At these higher elevations the climate, flora, and fauna are often radically different from the low desert.

Before your trek, it’s critically important be honest about your physical coordination and fitness level. If you haven’t walked more than two miles non-stop during the last year, don’t try a four-mile hike. Learn all you can about your proposed trail before you start. Trail descriptions will often note whether it is easy, moderate, difficult, strenuous, or “expert level.” A “primitive trail” will be easier to get lost on and usually have worse footing. Also pay attention to “elevation gain”; a 500 foot or more gain in elevation increases the difficulty. Scottsdale’s famous Camelback Mountain peak is at 2,700 feet, but the Cholla trail starts 1,300 vertical feet below that. That’s not a stroll in the park.

The farther away you get from civilization, the potential adverse outcomes of hiking increase. For any but the easiest and crowded urban trails, tell someone which exact trail you will be on and when to expect a call from you after you finish. That way they know where to send the search party when you don’t check in. On remote or uncrowded trails, hike with a buddy who can help if you become injured or disabled.

Numerous rescues and several deaths occur yearly on AZ’s trails. Are you scared yet? Let’s alleviate that fear and minimize risks! What follows pertains mostly to day hikes on established trails, not bushwhacking or overnight backpacking.


Heat kills. From mid-May through late September, high temperatures in the low desert often hit 105 to 110° F or even higher. Low temps in summer may not drop below 95! Most Arizonans will NOT be on the trail in the sun when it’s above 95 degrees. We’ll hit the trail at sunrise and be off it by 10 AM. Memorize and avoid these signs of Heat Illness: muscle cramps, feeling faint (dizzy), goosebumps, unusually high pulse, extreme fatigue, nausea, headache, rapid breathing. If ignored, these can lead to heat stroke, which can be fatal. Adequate hydration and perhaps salty snacks or electrolyte packets help prevent Heat Illness.

Some trails will have almost no shade, so you should avoid them in summer after 10 AM unless high temps under 95° are predicted. 

High temps are not much of a problem in late fall, winter, and early spring. Low temps are easily manageable with the right clothing. But always check the forecast for temps, rain, snow, and thunderstorms before heading out. The higher the elevation, the cooler it tends to be.

AZ has a season called “monsoon” from June 15 to Sept 30 when overall humidity is higher than usual. It’s characterized by occasional violent storms with rain, high winds, lightning, and flash flooding. Don’t get caught outside in a monsoon storm. Be very careful to avoid creeks and dry creek beds (washes or arroyos) when rain is in the area or even miles away, or you could die in a flash flood. From the Centers for Disease Control : “Lightning often strikes outside of heavy rain and can strike as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. Many lightning deaths occur ahead of storms or after storms seemingly have passed. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you might be in danger of a lightning strike.”


Dehydration kills. Especially in the hot months. Adequate hydration will help prevent Heat Illness. How much water you carry with you depends on body weight, length of hike, humidity level, temperature, personal preference, etc. Everybody should start out well-hydrated and take more water than you think you’ll need. One rule-of-thumb is that, when a third of your water is gone, it’s time to turn around unless you’re half-way to your destination. For hot summer hikes, Arizona Hiking Shack (phone 800-964-1673) advises adults to take one liter of water for every hour you’ll be out, plus and an extra bottle “for whatever.”  There’s a fair chance you’ll run across someone on the trail who needs water. You may need water to cleanse abrasions or wet your neck’s cooling towel. Another rule-of-thumb from the Shack is: “When your water’s half done [gone?], your hike is half done.”

Clothing and Gear


If a trail is labelled as “easy,” you’ll probably be fine wearing sneakers. “Easy” usually means fairly flat and smooth. Avoid sandals because they don’t provide much protection against cactus needles, scorpions, rocks, etc. For a “moderate” level trail, you might get by with sneakers but specific hiking shoes or boots are better, which is what you’ll want for “difficult” trails. Moderate, difficult, and primitive trails usually have more rocks, and your feet need protection from them with a thicker or stiffer shoe sole.


Use your judgment and dress for the weather. You may fall or rub against bushes, cacti, and rocks, so sturdier clothes beat flimsy. White or light-colored clothing will keep you cooler in the summer. A broad-brimmed hat protects against the sun.  

Sun Protection Options:

Sunscreen, long pants, long-sleeve shirts, gloves, sunglasses, hat.


Size depends on individual needs and preferences. A comfortable one is worth the money. A pack with a hip belt will make heavy loads (water!) more comfortable by shifting some weight onto the hips. Built-in water-carrying bladders are popular.

Trekking poles (optional):
Helpful for maintaining balance on uneven, unstable, or slanted surfaces. They take pressure off arthritic or weak knees when moving downhill.

First aid kit, communication devices, maps, navigation aids, multi-tool, cooling towel for neck (requires water).

First Aid Kit

Commercial kit or DIY (do it yourself). You need tweezers to remove cactus needles and splinters, an assortment of band-aids, antibiotic ointment, 1% hydrocortisone cream, antiseptic towelettes, steri-strips, 2-inch gauze wrap, “2nd Skin” or other blister remedy, medical tape, 4×4” gauze pads, 2×2” gauze pads, small scissors or paramedic shears, latex or nitrile gloves. Barebones kit: tweezers, band-aids, 4×4” gauze pads, 2-inch gauze wrap. Optional: acetaminophen, NSAID such as ibuprofen, Benadryl (for itching). [sterile needle or other device for help removing splinters?]

Navigation Aids

A few trails are so obvious and/or crowded that you won’t need any navigation aids. Unless you’re sure about that, be prepared to prevent getting lost. Use a trail map and keep track of your location on that map. If you are in a remote area, strongly consider a handheld GPS navigation device (Garmin brand is the market leader), topographic map, and a compass. Learn how to use the compass and map before you need it. Hiking with someone familiar with the area could be life-saving.

Animal Hazards

Lions and tigers and bears, Oh My! AZ has no wild tigers but there are a few jaguars. Here are some problematic critters you may run across:

  • Snakes. The commonest dangerous snake here is the rattlesnake. Most of them are not aggressive if left alone but give them a wide berth. A coiled rattler can strike a distance 2/3 of its length. If you hear the rattle, it’s a clear warning. Always keep your eyes open for snakes, except you can let your guard down a bit between roughly Dec 1 and mid-March.
  • Gila monsters. Much less commonly seen than rattlesnakes. They tend to move slowly and are not aggressive unless threatened.  The venomous bite is very painful but rarely serious. Stay away.
  • Scorpions. Stings can be painful but usually not serious in healthy adults. Young children and the elderly are at higher risk of serious effects.  
  • Mountain lions (aka cougar or puma). Attacks on humans are uncommon but do occur. Many avid hikers have never seen a lion. Sabino Canyon near Tucson seems to be a relative hot spot.
  • Coyotes. Common. Unless rabid, they tend to ignore or run from adult humans. Keep small dogs and children near you.
  • Bobcats. Uncommon. Unless rabid, they tend to ignore or run from adult humans.
  • Black Bears. Uncommon to rare. Do not get between a momma bear and cubs. In bear country, avoid encounters by hiking with others and make noise (e.g., talking, whistling, singing) periodically. If a bear sees you, walk slowly away, keeping eyes on the bear. If it starts walking toward you, talk to it calmly in a low tone. Alternatively, a powerful blow on your emergency whistle may scare it away. If it comes at you aggressively, do not run or play dead; stand your ground, yell, wave your arms to make yourself look larger. If attack is imminent, fight with all you’ve got: throw rocks or wood, use bear spray, hands, firearms. Aim for the face. (The approach to grizzlies is different.)
  • Javelinas. Common. Usually not aggressive toward humans unless startled, threatened, or javelina babies are nearby. Stay away. Bites can be severe.
  • Bees. A few bee stings are not dangerous unless you are seriously allergic to them. Our Africanized bees can team up and kill humans with hundreds of stings. May and June are the highest risk months. Bees attack when the nest is threatened. When you see or hear an unusual number of bees in an area, move away quickly yet calmly. One sting may alert the colony that a predator—you!—is nearby. An attack may start with one or a few bees “head bumping” you as a warning; move away quickly. Resist the urge to swat, flail arms, or kill one of these or other bees. You can cover your head with clothing but don’t obstruct your vision. Once the entire colony or swarm attacks, run as fast as you can to shelter such as a car or building. If none is available, run for at least a quarter mile (400 meters), preferably in a straight line. You may be able to outrun them.

From the list above, if you have a scary animal encounter it’s most likely to involve a rattlesnake, scorpion, or bees. Odds are, you won’t have any problem at all. Search for information at trailheads about which dangerous animals are in the area and advice on avoidance and defense.

Plant Hazards

The desert is home to many spikey and prickly plants that are not always obvious upon inspection. Be vigilant. Watch young children closely.

How to Request Emergency Help

A cell phone is the usual first option. But remote areas often lack cell phone service. If service is marginal, try moving to a higher location and/or send a text message. If you’re disabled by injury, someone in your party can hike back to civilization for help, if time allows.

Another option is an emergency whistle. The idea is to get the attention of someone in the area. The whistle is louder and will transmit farther than shouting, up to a mile or so, and takes less energy. A common distress signal from a whistle is three blasts (2-3 seconds each) in succession, rest for a bit then repeat. Or use the old Morse code for SOS: three short blasts, three long blasts, then three short blasts.    

After cell phones, a satellite phone is the next most reliable and quick-response option although financially out of reach for most of us. Less expensive options are PLBs (personal locator beacons) and satellite messengers. PLBs solely send an SOS with your location to rescue agencies via satellite and do not have a subscription fee. Alternatively, satellite messengers allow you to send SOS signals, plus text messages to friends or loved ones and have additional features like navigation. A subscription fee is required. Examples are Garmin inReach, SPOT, and Bivy Stick.

Prepare for the Worst?

Imagine planning on a four-hour afternoon hike alone on a remote trail, but you trip and fall into a ravine, fracturing your leg, losing your ability to walk. And you have no way to call for help. Assuming a search party is planned, they may not find you until 12-48 hours later. You’ll have to spend the night in the wild and it’s getting cold. Are you prepared? Items to consider packing: tarp for making a shelter, 550 paracord, flashlight, space blanket for warmth, knife, method for purifying water, method for making fire (matches, lighter), firearm for protection, warm clothes, and food. Before heading out on the trail, take a full-body photo of yourself in your hiking clothes and send it to a loved one; this will help rescuers quickly identify you.


Be prepared, not scared.

Steve Parker, M.D.

Paleo Diet Effect on Athletes

hunter, hunting, prehistoric, paleo diet, caveman, saber-toothed tiger, cavewoman

Judging from the article abstract below, it looks like the researchers didn’t find any major impact of the paleo diet on athletic performance, compared to “healthy” control diets. The title of the scientific report is “Paleolithic Diet-Effect on the Health Status and Performance of Athletes?” That sure made me think they were going to look at athletic performance. Here’s one of two sentences in the abstract that refer to athletic performance: “Lower positive impact of paleo diet on performance was observed it the group without exercise.” What does that even mean? Looks like even scientific journals are using click-bait now.

Before you read the abstract, remember that higher blood triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol are linked in some studies to cardiovascular disease. Also, lower plasma glucose (sugar) and insulin levels are linked in some studies to less risk of cardiovascular disease. So the paleo diet may be healthful since it shifts those numbers in the right direction.

The aim of this meta-analysis was to review the impact of a Paleolithic diet (PD) on selected health indicators (body composition, lipid profile, blood pressure, and carbohydrate metabolism) in the short and long term of nutrition intervention in healthy and unhealthy adults. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of 21 full-text original human studies was conducted. Both the PD and a variety of healthy diets (control diets (CDs)) caused reduction in anthropometric parameters, both in the short and long term. For many indicators, such as weight (body mass (BM)), body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference (WC), impact was stronger and especially found in the short term. All diets caused a decrease in total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglycerides (TG), albeit the impact of PD was stronger. Among long-term studies, only PD cased a decline in TC and LDL-C. Impact on blood pressure was observed mainly in the short term. PD caused a decrease in fasting plasma (fP) glucose, fP insulin, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the short run, contrary to CD. In the long term, only PD caused a decrease in fP glucose and fP insulin. Lower positive impact of PD on performance was observed in the group without exercise. Positive effects of the PD on health and the lack of experiments among professional athletes require longer-term interventions to determine the effect of the Paleo diet on athletic performance.


Click for the full text article. The article title and abstract were so poorly written that I’m not wasting time on the full text. Let me know if you find anything interesting. Furthermore, this “research” was a meta-analysis, so I’m even more skeptical about any conclusions on athletic performance.

Steve Parker, M.D.

How to Prevent Age-Related Muscle Loss

paleo diet, low-carb, Steve Parker MD
This hunter-gatherer snagged himself a brown trout

Axel Sigurdsson, MD, PhD, published a great article on prevention of age-related sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass). Click through for details. To stay vigorous as you age, you should preserve muscle mass and the strength it provides. If you’ve lost muscle mass, you can re-build it. Summary from the good doctor:

Age-related loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia)may start as early as in our thirties and appears to continue for the rest of our lives.

There is also a loss of muscle strength and muscle function. The consequences may often be severe, particularly in the elderly.

Increased physical activity and adequate nutrition are the most powerful tools at our disposal to delay age-related loss of muscle mass.

Well-rounded exercise programs consisting of aerobic and resistance exercises are believed to be most effective

Modification of dietary habits may be an important tool to prevent the decline in muscle mass and function that occurs with aging.

Adequate protein intake is of key importance. Animal-derived protein may provide a higher and broader biological value than vegetable protein.

Fish consumption is recommended and fruits and vegetables should be consumed regularly.

Nutritional supplements containing essential amino acids may be helpful. This is particularly true for whey protein.

Fish-derived protein hydrolysates also appear promising.

Adequate intake of vitamin D is essential.

“Fish-derived protein hydrolysates” doesn’t sound very appetizing. I’ll stick with real fish for now, especially cold-water fatty fish.

Steve Parker, M.D.

What’s the Best Fitness Tracker?

I don’t know. It partially depends on your needs. has an article comparing and contrasting some of the available fitness trackers:

young woman, exercise, weight training, gym
You go, girl!

We checked for fitness trackers with diverse features that users could choose to best match their lifestyle and goals. This includes multiple health and activity monitoring options.


Many fitness trackers sync with smartphones or Bluetooth to receive calls, get message notifications, and send data to their corresponding fitness apps. We looked at trackers that were easy to connect.


Regular fitness trackers can range from $50 to $200, while hybrid smartwatches can cost over $400. We compared prices to special features to make sure consumers get the most out of their investment.


Fitness trackers should be durable, lightweight, and comfortable. We interviewed customers and read dozens of reviews and testimonies for thorough feedback on each product.

Source: The Best Fitness Trackers For 2020

Click through for details. I use none of these trackers, so have no dog in this fight.

Steve Parker, M.D.

Reduce Insulin Resistance with Resistance Training

Didn’t we already know this? The study at hand involved 10 overweight young men.

Insulin is a blood-borne hormone that the pancreas gland secretes in order to keep blood sugar levels from getting too high. (Insulin does many other things, but table that for now.) Insulin triggers certain body cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream. “Insulin resistance” means that these cells don’t respond to insulin as well as they should, so either the pancreas secretes even more insulin (hyperinsulinemia) or blood sugar levels rise. Insulin resistance is a harbinger of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Most overweight or obese type 2 diabetics have insulin resistance. Many experts think hyperinsulinemia causes disease by itself, regardless of blood sugar levels. So it may be best to avoid insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of 6 weeks of resistance exercise training, composed of one set of each exercise to voluntary failure, on insulin sensitivity and the time course of adaptations in muscle strength/mass. Ten overweight men (age 36 ± 8 years; height 175 ± 9 cm; weight 89 ± 14 kg; body mass index 29 ± 3 kg m−2) were recruited to the study. Resistance exercise training involved three sessions per week for 6 weeks. Each session involved one set of nine exercises, performed at 80% of one‐repetition maximum to volitional failure. Sessions lasted 15–20 min. Oral glucose tolerance tests were performed at baseline and post‐intervention. Vastus lateralis muscle thickness, knee‐extensor maximal isometric torque and rate of torque development (measured between 0 and 50, 0 and 100, 0 and 200, and 0 and 300 ms) were measured at baseline, each week of the intervention, and after the intervention. Resistance training resulted in a 16.3 ± 18.7% (P < 0.05) increase in insulin sensitivity (Cederholm index). Muscle thickness, maximal isometric torque and one‐repetition maximum increased with training, and at the end of the intervention were 10.3 ± 2.5, 26.9 ± 8.3, 18.3 ± 4.5% higher (P < 0.05 for both) than baseline, respectively. The rate of torque development at 50 and 100 ms, but not at 200 and 300 ms, increased (P < 0.05) over the intervention period. Six weeks of single‐set resistance exercise to failure results in improvements in insulin sensitivity and increases in muscle size and strength in young overweight men.

Source: The effect of short‐duration resistance training on insulin sensitivity and muscle adaptations in overweight men – Ismail – 2019 – Experimental Physiology – Wiley Online Library

Steve Parker, M.D.


If You’re Too Weak to Re-Rack Your Weights…